Avcon Jet Receives IS-BAO Stage 2 Certification

We are very proud to announce that we have once again successfully passed the IS-BAO (stage II) audit. Avcon Jet has received this prestigious certificate issued by the International Business Aviation Council.

The International Standard for Business Aircraft Operations (IS-BAO) was developed by the business aviation community and is designed to promote use of high quality operational practices. IS-BAO registration goes above and beyond standard required regulations. It is accepted worldwide as the benchmark for safety and efficiency in business aircraft operations.

IS-BAO stage 2 certification is achieved several years after the stage 1 certification, ensuring that safety risks are being effectively managed.

“We are incredibly proud that we have achieved the stage II of IS-BAO certification. This very demanding audit has again proved the high safety and operational standards of Avcon Jet and our fantastic team. Our ongoing commitment is on safety and excellence.” said Alexander Vagacs, CEO of Avcon Jet.

Avcon Jet IS-BAO stage 2 certificate